You and Your character MUST be at least 18 years old!
We have a ZERO tolerance for unnecessary drama!
Founder/webmistress / Vamp- Neese
Shifter/human Op - Edward
Vamp/ghoul/human Op - Silas
Honorary OP's - Liam & Batty (general info and help)
Step 1: Chooses the type of char.
We allow:
Assamite,Brujah, Cappadocian, Follower of Set, Gangrel, Lasombra, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Toreador, Tremere, Tzimisce, Ventrue
**RESTRICTED: Baali, Gargoyles, Laibon, Lamia, Lhiannan, Old Clan Tzimisce, Salubri, True Brujah, Telyavelic Tremere
*Garou/kinfolk: Black Furies, Bone Gnawers, Children of Gaia, Fenrir, Fianna, Shadow Lords, Silent Striders, Silver Fangs, Warders of Men
*Bastet/kinfolk: Bagheera, Bubasti,Khan, Qualmi, Simba, Swara
*Other Fera/kinfolk: Ghural (limited), Corax, and Mokole (limited)
*Mage: Ahl-i-Batin, Craftmasons, Messianic Voices, Order of Hermes, Spirit-Talkers, The Old Faith, Valdaermen
Step 2: Download the PROPER 4 page interactive sheet from https://mrgone.rocksolidshells.com/darkages.html
For Garou use - https://www.dropbox.com/s/zt5c036oyjntvp5/W20_DA_4-Page_9Dot_Interactive.pdf?dl=0
Step 3: You will need to have a PDF editor. I suggest Foxit https://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf-reader/
Step 4: Fill in sheet COMPLETELY. ***If it is NOT listed on your sheet, your char does NOT have it***
* Name: your Characters Full name
* Player: your name, email, a way to identify you
* Chronicle: HH
* Nature: How your char truly is
* Demeanor: How your char seems to be
* Concept: Job, purpose
* Clan (Vamp only): The clan you were embraced/ghouled into
* Generation (Vamp only): you begin at 12 and buy generation in backgrounds (up to 8)
*Sire (Vamp only): Your Sire's full name deceased/known or not
*Breed (Shifter only): Form your char was born as (Homid-human, Lupine-wolf, metis-deformed (limited))
*Auspice (Garou only): Which moon you were born under
*Pryio (Bastet only): often determined by the time of day in which the Bastet achieved her First Change
*Tribe (Shifter only): Which tribe you belong to by birth
Attributes - You are allowed 3/5/7 dots to begin. You can pick which column gets how many
Abilities - You are allowed 5/9/13 dots to begin.
Backgrounds - 5 points
Freebies - 15 points
Additional XP can be gained from an extensive/in depth background (10-100), role play in registered channels (Bot needs to be present) 4pts a week **your char must play for at least 4 hours**, and inviting others to play (10xp per person with registered char that plays).
Merits & Flaws
EMAIL Character Sheets, Backgrounds and Pictures to : haddonhallrp@gmail.com
ATTENTION!!!!!: Any char who is not played for a month will need to be resubmitted for approval! (exceptions made for RL issues at the OPs discretion)