Serpentis is the legacy of Set, his gift to his children. The Followers of Set carefully guard this Discipline's secrets, teaching the reptilian art only to those they deem worthy (almost never outsiders). Most Cainites fear the Setites purely because of this Discipline, the way of the serpent and the tempter. Serpentis can evoke an almost primordial fear in others, particularly those who recall the tale of Eden. After all, hiss the Setites, the serpent was an evil older than even Caine himself.
O The Eyes of the Serpent
This power grants the Setite the legendary hypnotic gaze of the serpent. The Setite's eyes become gold with large black
irises, and mortals in the character's vicinity find themselves strangely attracted to him. A mortal who meets the vampire's
beguiling gaze is immobilized. Until the character takes his eyes off his mortal victim, the person is frozen in place.
System: No roll is required, but this power can be avoided if the mortal takes care not to look into the Setite's eyes.
Vampires and other supernatural creatures (Lupines, mages, et al.) can also be affected by this power if the Setite's player
makes a Willpower roll (difficulty 9). If attacked or otherwise harmed, supernatural creatures can spend a point of
Willpower to break the spell.
OO The Tongue of the Asp
The Setite may lengthen her tongue at will, splitting it into a fork like that of a serpent. The tongue may reach 18 inches, and
makes a terrifyingly effective weapon in close combat.
System: The tongue's razor fork opens aggravated wounds (difficulty 6, Strength damage). If the Setite wounds her enemy,
she may drink blood from the target on the next turn as though she had sunk her fangs into the victim's neck. Horrifying
though it is, the tongue's caress is very like the Kiss, and even strikes mortal victims helpless with fear and ecstasy.
Additionally, the tongue is highly sensitive to vibrations, enabling the vampire to function effectively in the darkness the
clan prefers. By flickering her tongue in and out of her mouth, the vampire can halve any penalties relating to darkness (p.
OOO The Skin of the Adder
By calling upon her Blood, the vampire may transform her skin into a mottled, scaly hide. A vampire in this form becomes
more supple and flexible. The Path of the Warrior (a line of Setites who adhere to the ancient warrior-codes of Egypt) makes
much use of this power.
System: The vampire spends one blood point and one Willpower point. The vampire's skin becomes scaly and mottled; this,
combined with the character's increased flexibility, reduces soak difficulties to 5. The vampire may use her Stamina to soak
aggravated damage from claws and fangs, but not from fire, sunlight or other magical energies. The vampire's mouth widens
and fangs lengthen, enabling her bite to inflict an extra die of damage. Finally, the vampire may slip through any opening
wide enough to fit her head through.
The vampire's Appearance drops to 1, and she is obviously inhuman if observed with any degree of care, though casual
passersby might not notice if the vampire is in darkness or wearing heavy clothing.
OOOO The Form of the Cobra
The Setite may change his form into that of a huge black cobra. The serpent weighs as much as the vampire's human form,
stretches over 10 feet long, and is as thick as a woman's thigh. The Form of the Cobra grants several advantages, including a
venomous bite, the ability to slither through small holes, and a greatly enhanced sense of smell. The character may use any
Disciplines while in this form save those that require hands (such as Feral Claws).
System: The Setite spends one blood point; the change is automatic, but takes three turns. Clothing and small personal
possessions transform with the vampire; the vampire remains in serpent form until the next dawn, unless he desires to
change back sooner. The Storyteller may allow the Setite bonus dice on all Perception rolls related to smell, but the
difficulties for all hearing rolls are increased by two. The cobra's bite inflicts damage equal to the vampire's, but the vampire
does not need to grapple his victim; furthermore, the poison delivered is fatal to mortals.
OOOOO The Heart of Darkness
The Setite with mastery of Serpentis may pull her heart from her body. She can even use this ability on other Cainites,
although this requires several hours of gruesome surgery. Only the new moon, the invisible moon, may grant this power
success. If performed under any other moon, the rite fails. Upon removing her heart, the Setite places it in a small clay urn,
and then carefully hides or buries the urn. She cannot be staked by any wood that pierces her breast, and finds it easier to
resist frenzy. The heart is the seat of emotion, after all, and so the difficulties of all rolls to resist frenzy are two lower.
Setites are careful to keep their hearts safe from danger. If someone seizes her heart, the Setite is completely at that person's
mercy. The Setite heart can be destroyed only by casting it into a fire or exposing it to sunlight. If this happens, however, the
Setite dies where she stands, boiling away into a blistering heap of ash and blackened bone. Plunging a wooden stake into an
exposed heart drives the Setite into instant torpor.
A Setite may carry her heart with her, or have several false hearts buried in different places. A Setite often avoids her heart's
hiding place, to deter discovery. Those wise in Setite lore whisper that the corrupt elders of the clan often hold their
underlings' hearts, the better to control the errant hatchlings.
System: This power requires no roll. Those who witness a Setite pull his heart from his breast (or cut the heart from another
vampire) must make Courage rolls. Failure indicates anything from strong uneasiness to complete revulsion, possibly even
OOOOO O Cobra Fangs (level 6)
A character using Form of the Cobra gains a venomous bite along with his serpentine form,
Unfortunately, huge black cobras tend to make people run away as fast as they can. This
Serpentis power enables a Setite to gain the deadly bite without the full-body transformation,
making it more useful for taking victims by surprise. The ploice do ask questions when someone
dies from a cobra bite under unlikely circumstances, so Cobra Fangs still requires some
discretion in its use.
SYSTEM: The Setite expends one blood point, and in one turn his fangs become hollow, more
sleder and venomous. The vampire injects venom when he bites. He must still grapple with the
victim to deliver a bite attack, and the bite does the usual amount of damage; the venom,
however, kills mortals within one minute. Bitten vampires or other supernaturally resilient
creatures suffer ten health levels of aggravated damage, minus one per dot of Stamina, over the
course of five minutes.
OOOOO OO Divine Image (level 7)
Many of the low-generation Setite elders no longer need the illusions of Obfuscate to appear
as a god. Through this Serpentis power, a Setite can physically metamorphose into the form of a
god. Male followers of Set generally take the form of Set himself: a muscular man with the head
of the "Typhoic Beast," an animal with a long, narrow snout and upstanding, square-topped ears.
Less often, they take the form of the crocodile-headed god Sobek, whome the Egyptians often
linked to Set. or the wolf-headed war-god Wepwawet, often identified with Set's son Anubis.
Female Setites generally assume the form of the cobra-headed goddess Renenet, wife of Sobek,
or the hippopotamus-goddess Taweret, sometimes considered a concsort of Set. Both were
goddesses of pregnancy and childbirth. Setite doctrine labels all four deities as Set's eldest
While assuming the Divine Image, the vampire becomes stronger, tougher, and more impressive.
More importantly, perhaps, the Setite's will becomes more powerful as he identifies with a
divine forebear.
SYSTEM: The character expends three blood points and transforms into the Divine Image in one
turn. In the Divine Image, the vampire gains two dots each of Strength and Stamina and a dot
each of Charisma and Manipulation, but her Appearance drops to 1. These can push the vampire
over his generational limit. The characters also gains two full dots of willpower (to a maximum
of 10). Th eStite can stay in the Divine Image for a full scene.
A vampires has only one Divine Image form (unless the player buys her this power twice). The
Character does not know what Divine Image he will manifest. The divine anscetors themselves
decide that...along with the player and Storyteller.
OOOOO OOOHeart Thief (level 8)
The Serpentis power Heart of Darkness normally takes hours to perform upon other vampires,
and only works at the dark of the Moon. Some Setite elders, however, can pull the heart from
another vampire's chest with a quick snatch of the hand. This does not destroy the vampire...
unless the Setite then destroys the stolen heart. Heart Thief is not an easy power to use
despite its speed, but few Discipline effect can place one vampire in another's power so
suddenly and completely.
SYSTEM: The character must expend one Willpower point. Removing the heart of a reluctant
vampire is a difficult feat, comparable to staking a vampire through the heart: the attacker
must receive at least three scuccesses on a Dex + Brawl attack (diff 9). The victim may use
Fortitude to "soak" the attacker's successes, but mundane stamina has no effect against this
magical attack
A vampire who loses his heart this way takes one unsoakable level of aggravated damage, and
receives all the benefits and problems of the Heart of Darkness power. Resisting frenzy becomes
easier (-2 to difficulties) and he cannot be staked by wood that impales his breast. On the
other hand, thrusting a stake through the removed heart will instantly force the vampire into
torpor and exposing the heart to fire or sunlight will burn the vampire to ash; even biting
into the heart will cause aggravated wounds to the vampire in question.
OOOOO OOOOShadow of Apep (level 9)
Only Set and Set's own childer can perform this terrifying power. These ancient monsters can
take the form of Set's defeated enemy, Apep. The vampire becomes a giant serpent of fluid,
glittering Darkness -- not mre shadow, but anti-light, like the black force commanded by
Obtenebration. In this form, pysical foce cannot harm the vampire: not claws or fangs, not
bullets, not explosions, not Anything except fire, sunlight or magic. Pysical barriers cannot
easily stop the vampire, whose shadowy form can seep through even the tiniest crack. The
vampire, however, can still exert physical and supernatural force quite freely.
SYSTEM: Taking the form of Apep costs a Willpower point; the vampire stays in this form for a
scene. The transformation takes three turns to compleate. In this form, the vampire takes no
damage from any physical attack: fists, weapons or falling buildings pass through the vampire
as if she were a shadow. Fire and sunlight inflict the normal aggravated damage, however, and
magic still affects the transformed vampire. The vampire itself gains three dots in each
Physical Attribute. Ignore generaltional limits for this purpose, so the vampire could have
Strength, Dexterity or Stamina greater than 10. The transformed vampire can use its Strength to
make normal close combat attacks and can bite for Strength + 2 dice of damage. The vampire can
also employ any Discilpine that does not require hands.