A Blood brothers discipline, which allows Vampires who practice it to combine parts of their bodies, loan them out to others with the same power and coordinate their minds and appendages. Even low levels of it are unsettling <at best> to watch. Mortals observing this power must make courage roll, or flee into the night, and possibly go insane.
O Brother's Blood
By using his own blood, a blood brother may heal the wounds of others with in his circle,
blood brothers can heal a large amount of damage that far exceeds their generation limits.
They may even heal their brother while they fight, if one of the members with draws from
the combat to accomplish this deed.
The player spends a blood point, which may be used to heal any member of the circle regardless
of distance. The blood brother may also bank blood points, spending five points to heal
another's aggravated wounds over the course of several actions. This power is automatic and
requires no roll.
OO Octopod
This mystical power allows the Blood brothers to send their appendages to any other in their
circle regardless of distance through magical means. Quite literally loaning them arms,
teeth legs or what ever is needed, for whatever purpose is desired.
By spending a blood point for each limb that the caster desires to send, the recipient may
place the borrowed organ anywhere they wish. Although it does not give extra action in a
turn, it does allow for a greater amount of blood points to be held as well as weapons wielded.
Loaned Organs appear at the end of the turn.
OOO Gestalt
The blood brothers may activate the unique ties of blood that bind them. Establishing a hive
mind of sorts. This expand consciousness allows them to avoid sneak attacks, increase the
level of their Power in attacks and communicate with each other telepathically.
This power gives the blood brothers several benefits. But for this power to work all the
members of s circle must spend a blood point. If one is not able the spell fails. If final
death reaches one in the circle, that one is no longer part of the circle, and thus the rest
may perform the spell.
To start with this power helps to keeps the Blood brother from being dominated by using the
strongest will power in the group as the difficult, this includes Presence and other
disciplines of the like. On the other hand if that Blood brother is dominated, it drops from
the circle and the others go on as if it where dead, till it is released.
Next, perception rolls, difficulties are decreased by three, for all members of the circle.
By using no on their action and concentrating a blood brother may loan ability to another within
the circle.
OOOO Walk of Caine
Much like the Tremere's power to lower their generation, the blood brother may also accomplish this feat,
though at the expense of one of their other brothers. Thus allowing them to increase their
strength and or heal wounds in a blink of an eye.
A Blood brother may barrow one generation level from any signal blood brother, though not more
then one from each, and lower their stands for a time while increasing the donors by one. The Brother
gaining the generation needs only have this level, and if the donor dose not have it at this
level, he needs to roll his Stamina + occult <Difficulty of 7>
OOOOO Coagulated Entity
This frightening power allows the Blood Brothers of a given circle to untie physically as
well as mentally. The vampires combine into one monstrous heap of undead flesh, exposing
entrails, spraying foul fluids and flailing deadly limbs. These horrid mounds have proven
effective in more than one Sabbat siege, sweeping over enemy vampires or smashing their way
into fortified havens.
Every vampire in the circle who wishes to become part of the Coagulated Entity spends three
blood points. Three turns after the process begins, the monster becomes complete and able
to act. The vampire of the lowest generation who is part of the construct guides the creature's
actions. The actual generation of the creature itself, however, is the highest generation of
any vampire present in the construct, less one for each additional vampire present in the
construct. The creature's Strength, Stamina and Perception are equal to the lowest generation
vampire's in the construct +1 for every additional vampire contained within
(though generation limits do not apply to this creature - through sheer size, a Coagulated
Entity may have a Strength of 7 or even more).
All physical actions undertaken by the monstrosity gain one extra die to the pool for each
vampire beyond the first in the construct (before splitting dice pools). Only one vampire
in the circle needs to possess Sanguinus at Level Five for this power to work. Body parts
tend to shift during the creation of a Coagulated Entity - fanged maws at the ends of hands
and eyes atop flesh stalks have been reported. STs should feel free to give any bonuses
(or penalties, as some legs may be too weak to support the creature, or arms may be too
short to strike effectively) to the construct as they see fit.
Sanguinus is an imperfect practice, obviously. A Coagulated Entity may not be staked, as it
has too many hearts in unconventional places for any but the blindest of luck to impale. It
has a vampire's normal seven health levels, plus two for each additional vampire who becomes
part of the entity (treat these extra health levels as Bruised).
The entity remains congealed for one scene.