This Discipline bestows uncanny sensory abilities upon the vampire. While Auspex initially heightens all of the Kindred's senses significantly, that is merely the beginning. As she grows in power, the vampire can perceive the psychic auras that flow around her and even project her mind into another being's thoughts. Furthermore, Auspex can pierce the disguises that Obfuscate creates; see "Seeing the Unseen," p. 152, for more details.
Such sensory command gives the vampire a distinct advantage over mortals and even many supernaturals. Whether these talents let her view a distant haven, sense the prince's mood or pluck secrets from a rival Kindred's ghoul, Auspex is a powerful tool.
Still, the vampire must be careful lest this heightened sensitivity cause her to be distracted by beautiful things, startled by loud noises or overwhelmed by foul smells. Sudden or dynamic events can disorient an Auspex-using character unless she makes a Willpower roll (difficulty 4) to block them out. The more potent the source of distraction, the higher the difficulty.
Failure overwhelms the character's senses, making her oblivious to her surroundings for a turn or two.
Malkavians and Toreador are most susceptible to such distractions. Kindred from the Tremere and Tzimisce clans seem better able to regulate their sensory input, but they are not immune to the occasional distraction.
A high Perception Trait is a great boon to using Auspex powers. The better the roll, the greater the degree of sensory information the character gains.
O Heightened Senses
This power sharpens all of the vampire's senses, effectively doubling the clarity and range of sight, hearing and smell. While
her senses of taste and touch extend no farther than normal, they likewise become far more acute; the vampire could taste
the hint of liquor in a victim's blood, or feel the give of the board concealing a hollow space in the floor. The Kindred may
magnify her senses at will, sustaining this heightened focus for as long as she desires. At the Storyteller's option, this may
make hunting easier.
Occasionally, this talent provides extrasensory or even precognitive insights. These brief, unfocused glimpses may be odd
premonitions, flashes of empathy or eerie feelings of foreboding. The vampire has no control over these perceptions, but
with practice can learn to interpret them with a fair degree of accuracy.
Expanded senses come at a price, however. Bright lights, loud noises and strong smells present a hazard while the vampire
uses this power. In addition to the possibility for distraction mentioned above, an especially sudden stimulus - like the glare
of a spotlight or a clap of thunder - can blind or deafen the Kindred for an hour or more.
This power doesn't normally require the use of dice, instead being defined through the Storyteller's descriptions and
the player's imagination. In certain circumstances, use of this power requires a die roll: for a normal Perception roll (the
Storyteller may reduce the difficulty by the character's Auspex rating), to notice a subject using Obfuscate (see p. 166), or to
perceive a threat (the Storyteller privately rolls the character's unmodified Auspex rating, applying whatever difficulty he
feels best suits the circumstances). For example, in the last instance, sensing that a pistol is pointed at the back of the
character's head may require a 5, while the sudden realization that a rival for primogen is planning her assassination may
require a 9.
This power does not let characters see in pitch darkness, as does Eyes of the Beast (p. 173), but it does reduce difficulty
penalties to act in pitch darkness from +2 to +1, and the character may make ranged attacks in pitch darkness if she can hear,
smell or otherwise detect her foe.
OO Aura Perception
Using this power, the vampire can perceive the psychic "auras" that radiate from mortals and supernatural beings alike.
These halos comprise a shifting series of colors that take practice to discern with clarity. Even the simplest individual has
many shifting hues within his aura; strong emotions predominate, while momentary impressions or deep secrets flash
through in streaks and swirls.
The colors change in sympathy with the subject's emotional state, blending into new tones in a constantly dancing pattern.
The stronger the emotions involved, the more intense the hues become. A skilled vampire can learn much from her subject
by reading the nuances of color and brilliance in the aura's flow.
Aside from perceiving emotional states, vampires use Aura Perception to detect supernatural beings. The colors in Kindred
auras, while intense, are quite pale; mage auras often flare and crackle with suppressed power; werebeasts have strikingly
bright, almost frantic, halos; ghosts have weak auras that flicker fitfully like a dying flame; and faerie creatures' radiance is
shot through with rainbow hues.
The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 8); each success indicates how much of the subject's aura the
character sees and understands (see the table below). A botch indicates a false or erroneous interpretation. The Storyteller
may wish to make this roll, thus keeping the player in the dark as to just how good (or bad) the character's interpretation is.
1 success Can distinguish only the shade (pale or bright)
2 successes Can distinguish the main color.
3 successes Can recognize the color patterns.
4 successes Can detect subtle shifts.
5 successes Can identify mixtures of color and pattern.
The Aura Colors chart offers examples of some common colors and the emotions they reflect.
The character may view a particular subject's aura only once with any degree of clarity. Any subsequent attempts that result
in failure should be considered botches. It is very easy for the character to imagine seeing what she wants to see when
judging someone's intentions. After a full month, the character may try again at no penalty.
Aura Colors
Condition Aura Colors
Afraid Orange
Aggressive Purple
Angry Red
Bitter Brown
Calm Light Blue
Compassionate Pink
Conservative Lavender
Depressed Grey
Desirous or Lustful Deep Red
Distrustful Light Green
Envious Dark Green
Excited Violet
Generous Rose
Happy Vermilion
Hateful Black
Idealistic Yellow
Innocent White
Lovestruck Blue
Obsessed Green
Sad Silver
Spiritual Gold
Suspicious Dark Blue
Confused Mottled, shifting colors
Diablerist Black veins in aura
Daydreaming Sharp flickering colors
Frenzied Rapidly rippling colors
Psychotic Hypnotic, swirling colors
Vampire Appropriate color is pale
Magic Use Myriad sparkles in aura
Werebeast Bright, vibrant aura
Ghost Weak,intermittent aura
Faerie Weak, intermittent aura
OOO The Spirit's Touch
When someone handles an object for any length of time, he leaves a psychic impression on the item. A vampire with this
level of Auspex can "read" these sensations, learning who handled the object, when he last held it and what was done with it
These visions are seldom clear and detailed, registering more like a kind of "psychic snapshot." Still, the Kindred can learn
much even from such a glimpse. Although most visions concern the last person to handle the item, a long-time owner leaves
a stronger impression than someone who held the object briefly.
Gleaning information from the spiritual residue requires the vampire to hold the object and enter a shallow trance. She is
only marginally aware of her surroundings while using The Spirit's Touch, but a loud noise or jarring physical sensation
breaks the trance instantly.
The player rolls Perception + Empathy. The difficulty is determined by the age of the impressions and the mental
and spiritual strength of the person or event that left them. Sensing information from a pistol used for murder hours ago may
require a 5, while learning who owned a set of keys found days ago might be a 9.
The greater the individual's emotional connection to the object, the stronger the impression he leaves on it - and the more
information the Kindred can glean from it. Also, events involving strong emotions (a gift-giving, a torture, a long family
history) likewise leave stronger impressions than does short or casual contact. Assume that each success offers one piece of
information. While one success tells the character only that "a man held this pocket watch last," three reveal that he was
petty, middle-aged and afraid. Four successes discover his name, and five or more reveal his connection to the watch as well
as some of the things he did with it in his possession.
OOOO Telepathy
The vampire projects a portion other consciousness into a nearby mortal's mind, creating a mental link through which she
can communicate wordlessly or even read the target's deepest thoughts. The Kindred "hears" in her own mind the thoughts
plucked from a subject as if they were spoken to her.
This is one of the most potent vampiric abilities, since, given time, a Kindred can learn virtually anything from a subject
without him ever knowing. The Tremere and Tzimisce in particular find this power especially useful in gleaning secrets
from others, or for directing their mortal followers with silent precision.
The player rolls Intelligence + Subterfuge (difficulty of the subject's Willpower). Projecting thoughts into the
target's mind requires one success. The subject recognizes that the thoughts come from somewhere other than his own
consciousness, although he cannot discern their actual origin.
To read minds, one success must be rolled for each item of information plucked or each layer of thought pierced. Deep
secrets or buried memories are harder to obtain than surface emotions or unspoken comments, requiring five or more
successes to access.
Telepathy does not commonly work upon the undead mind. A character may expend a Willpower point to make the effort,
making the roll normally afterward. Likewise, it is equally difficult to read the thoughts of other supernatural creatures.
Storytellers are encouraged to describe thoughts as flowing streams of impressions and images, rather than as a sequence of
prose. Instead of making flat statements like "He's planning on killing his former lover's new boyfriend," say "You see a
fleeting series of visions: A couple kissing passionately in a doorway, then the man walking alone at night; you suddenly see
your hands, knuckles white, wrapped around a steering wheel, with a figure crossing the street ahead; your heart, mortal
now and hammering with panic as you hear the engine rev wildly; and above all, a blazing anger coupled with emotional
agony and a panicked fear of loss."
Such descriptions not only add to the story, they also force the player to decide for herself what her character reads. After
all, understanding minds - especially highly emotional or deranged minds - is a difficult and often puzzling task.
OOOOO Psychic Projection
The Kindred with this awesome ability projects her senses out of her physical shell, stepping from her body as an entity of
pure thought. The vampire's astral form is immune to physical damage or fatigue, and can "fly" with blinding speed
anywhere across the earth - or even underground - so long as she remains below the moon's orbit.
The Kindred's material form lies in a torpid state while her astral self is active, and the vampire isn't aware of anything that
befalls her body until she returns to it. An ephemeral silver cord connects the Kindred's psyche to her body. If this cord is
severed, her consciousness becomes stranded in the astral plane, the realm of ghosts, spirits and shades. Attempting to return
to the vampire's physical shell is a long and terrifying ordeal, especially since there is no guarantee that she will accomplish
the journey successfully. This significant danger keeps many Kindred from leaving their bodies for long, but those who dare
can learn much.
Journeying in astral form requires the player to expend a point of Willpower and make a Perception + Occult roll.
Difficulty varies depending on the distance and complexity of the intended trip; 7 is average, with 10 reflecting a trip far
from familiar territory (a first journey from North America to the Far East; trying to shortcut through the earth). The greater
the number of successes rolled, the more focused the character's astral presence is and the easier it is for her to reach her
desired destination.
Failure means the character is unable to separate her consciousness from her body, while a botch can have nasty
consequences - flinging her astral form to a random destination on Earth or in the spirit realm, or heading for the desired
destination so forcefully that the silver cord snaps.
Changing course or continuing to another destination requires another point of Willpower and a new roll. Failure indicates
that the vampire has lost her way and must retrace the path of her silver cord. A botch at this stage means the cord snaps,
stranding the character's psychic form in the mysterious astral plane.
An astral form may travel at great speeds (the Storyteller can use 1000 miles per hour as a general guide) and carries no
clothing or material objects of any kind. Some artifacts are said to exist in the spirit world, and the character can try to use
one of these tools if she finds one. The character cannot bring such relics to the physical world when she returns to her body,
Interaction with the physical world is impossible while using Psychic Projection. At best, the character may spend a
Willpower point to manifest as a ghostlike shape. This apparition lasts one turn before fading away; while she can't affect
anything physically during this time, the character can speak. Despite lacking physical substance, an astral character can use
Auspex normally. At the Storyteller's discretion, such a character may employ any Animalism, Dementation, Dominate,
Necromancy, Obtenebration, Presence and/or Thaumaturgy powers she has, though this typically requires a minimum of
three successes on the initial Psychic Projection roll.
If two astral shapes encounter one another, they interact as if they were solid. They may talk, touch and even fight as if both
were in the material world. Since they have no physical bodies, astral characters seeking to interact "physically" substitute
Mental and Social Traits for Physical ones (Wits replaces Dexterity, Manipulation supplants Strength, and Intelligence
replaces Stamina). Due to the lack of a material form, the only real way to damage another psychic entity is to cut its silver
cord. When fighting this way, consider Willpower points to be health levels; when a combatant loses all of her Willpower,
the cord is severed.
Although an astrally projected character remains in the reflection of the mortal world (referred to as the Penumbra in other
World of Darkness games), she may venture further into the spirit realms, especially if she becomes lost. Other beings, such
as ghosts, werewolves and even rare magi, travel the astral plane as well, and can interact with a vampire's psychic presence
normally. Storytellers are encouraged to make trips into the spirit world as bizarre, mysterious and dreamlike as possible.
The world beyond is a vivid and fantastic place, where the true nature of things is stronger and often strikingly different
from their earthly appearances.
Note: For Storytellers familiar with White Wolf's other games, the "astral plane" to which the vampire travels is a reflection
of the Umbra in general, not one specific level.
Seeing the Unseen
Auspex enables Kindred to perceive many things beyond mortal ken. Among its many uses, Auspex can
detect the presence of a supernatural being who is hidden from normal sight (a vampire using Obfuscate, a
mage cloaked with invisibility, a wraith) or pierce illusions created by the Discipline of Chimerstry.
- Obfuscate: When a vampire tries to use her heightened perceptions to notice a Kindred hidden with
Obfuscate, she detects the subject's presence if her Auspex rating is higher than his Obfuscate. Conversely, if
the target's Obfuscate outranks her Auspex, he remains undiscovered. If the two scores are equal, both
characters make a resisted roll of Perception + Subterfuge (Auspex user) against Manipulation + Subterfuge
(Obfuscate user). The difficulty for both rolls is 7, and the character with the most successes wins.
- Chimerstry: Likewise, vampires with Auspex may seek to penetrate illusions created with Chimerstry. The
Auspex-wielder must actively seek to pierce the illusion (i.e., the player must tell the Storyteller that his
character is trying to detect an illusion). Auspex-wielder and Chimerstry-wielder then compare relative scores,
per Obfuscate, above. The process is otherwise identical to piercing Obfuscate.
- Other Powers: Since the powers of beings like mages and wraiths function differently from vampiric
Disciplines, a simple comparison of relative ratings isn't applicable. To keep things simple, both characters
make a resisted roll. The vampire rolls Perception + Subterfuge, while the subject rolls Manipulation +
Subterfuge. Again, the difficulty is 7, and the character with the most successes wins.
OOOOO O Crocodile's Tongue
A character with this power instinctively understands what one other person in a conversation
(living or undead) wants to hear. If he can find a way to phrase what he wants so that is
sounds like what that person wants to hear, this may help him get his point across. This also
gives him a way to ingratiate himself with people or accumulate favors. This differs from
Telepathy in that the subject need not be actively thinking about what she wants to hear -- a
disinterested club patron may find out that this brash suitor offers her some secret desire,
while a lonely student might have found his "soulmate" who shares his same dreams.
SYSTEM: The chacter must spend at least a minute speaking with the subject, and the player must
make a successful Perception + Empathy roll (diff 6). For the character to phrase his own idea
in terms to which the target will respond favorably, assuming, for whatever reason that the
Storyteller chooses no to roleplay such a situation, she may allow the player to roll
Manipulation or Charisma + expression (diff 6). Such reliance on mechanics should only be used
as a last resort, however -- the very nature of this power is social, and should rarely be
dictated by dice instead of roleplaying.
OOOOO O Clairvoyance
By using Clairvoyance, a vampire can perceive distant events without using Psychic Projection.
By concentrating on a
familiar person, place or object, a character can observe the subject's immediate vicinity
while staying
aware of her own surroundings.
System: The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 6) and describes the target she's
trying to look in on. If the roll is successful, the character can then perceive the events
and environment surrounding the desired target for one turn per success. Other Auspex
powers may be used on the scene being viewed; these are rolled normally. Clairvoyance does
split the vampire's perceptions between what she is viewing at a distance and what is taking place around her.
As a result, while using this power, a character is at +3 difficulty on all rolls relating
to actions that affect her physical surroundings.
Babble (Auspex level 6 OR Dementation level 6)
One of the more classic powers among elder Malkavians, this is the ability to communicate at
great distances by using the power of the Network. The Malkavian with this ability can link a
number of people together, allowing them all to converse at will -- however, everyone involved
must carry on their conversation out loud. What's more, each person hears their fellows as if
the other people were standing next to them; thus, if Rosegarden were in the comfort of her own
quiet haven while Pack was in a crowded subway, Pack could murmur quietly and be heard, while
Rosegarden would have to raise her voice for Pack to hear her over the crowd.
SYSTEM: The Malkavian may communicate with as many other people as he has points of Willpower;
to link with unwilling targets, the player must roll Charisma + Empathy, difficulty of the
target's willpower. He may add more people (up to his Empahty rating) over and above his
willpower score only if those people have derangements and don't resist the Babble.
OOOOO O Prediction
Some people are capable of finishing their friends' sentences. Elder vampires with
Prediction sometimes begin their friends' sentences. Prediction is a constant low-level
telepathic scan of the minds of everyone the character is in proximity to. While this power
does not give the vampire the details of his neighbors' conscious thoughts, it does provide
a wealth of cues as to the subjects' moods, suppressed reflexes and attitudes toward the
topic of conversation.
System: Whenever the character is in conversation and either participant in the discussion
makes a Social roll, the player may pre-empt the roll to spend a blood point and make a
Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty of the target's Manipulation + Subterfuge).
Each success is an additional die that can be applied to the player's Social roll or
subtracted from the dice pool of the Social roll being made against the character.
OOOOO O Telepathic Communication
Telepathy (Auspex 4) allows a character to pick up only the surface thoughts of other
individuals, and to speak to one at a time. With Telepathic Communication, a character can
form a link between his mind and that of other subjects, allowing them to converse in
words, concepts and sensory images at the speed of thought. Vampires with this level of
Auspex can act as "switchboard operators," creating a telepathic web that allows all
participants to share thoughts with some or all other members of the network as they choose.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty of the target's current Willpower)
to establish contact, although a willing subject may allow the vampire access and thus
obviate the need for a roll. The maximum range at which a subject may be contacted and
the maximum number of individuals who may be linked simultaneously with this power depends
on the Auspex rating of the vampire who initiates contact.
Auspex Rating No. of Targets Range
Auspex 6 3 subjects 500 miles
Auspex 7 Perception rating 1000 miles
Auspex 8 Perception + Empathy combined 500 miles for every point of Intelligence
Auspex 9 2x Perception+Empathy combined 1000 miles for every point of Intelligence
OOOOO O Sibyl's Tongue (Auspex level 6)
Elder Malkavians have a well-deserved reputation as seers and prophets. The power of Sibyl's
Tongue takes this predilection one step further: The Malkavian so blessed can call on her
advanced Auspex to go deliberatly questing into the Legion-mind for the answer to a particular
question. IF some Malkavian somewhere knows the answer, then the sibyle has a chance of making
the connection to that Malkavian's memories and drawing forth the information.
Failure carries a penalty, thought. To open oneself to the Legion-mind and deliberatly tread
naked into its waters -- that's dangerous stuff. Whenever a Malkavian uses this talent, she
runs the risk of having the clan's collective mad thoughts invade her head in a rush. The
process is.. highly unpleasant.
SYSTEM: The Malkavian must focus for a turn to attune herself to the Network. The player then
rolls Wits + Investigation, diff 8. If the roll is successful, the Malkavian get the answer of
her choice; the more successes, the less cryptic the reply. However, the answer must be
something that some Malkavian somewhere knows (excluding Malkav himself, of course).
If the roll is failed, then the Malkavian is in trouble. The stew of psychoses that makes up
the Network invade her personal headspace, at acuh a speed that it's impossible to filter out
what she wants. She immediately gains two additional derangements for the duration of the scene.
If the roll is botched, then the effects are even worse -- one of these additional derangements
settles into her mind permanently.
At the Storyteller's option, particularly dangerous questions might inflict an extra
derangement even if the roll is successful, and have even more severe penalties for failure.
This is especially true of questions that require tapping the mind of a Methuselah -- a place
nobody, no matter how well-prepared, wants to go.
OOOOO O Cipher
The character can understand any written material, even in a language with which she is
unfamiliar or scribed in code. Only words with some supernatural nature - such as Malkavian's
Scrawl or Thaumatrical runes - are not always subject to this effect.
System: Cipher requires the expenditure of a blood point and a roll of Intelligence +
Linguistics difficulty 6. Each success allows the character to read a specific language or
decipher a specific code for an entire scene. Thus, a character who speaks neither French nor
Russian could, if he rolled two successes, read both French and Russian for one scene;
alternatively, he could read one work written in French and encoded
(one success for the French Language, one for the code). Muliple attempts may be made on a
single written work, but each new attempt requires a blood point. A botch results in a false
If the character is attempting to read supernatural writing, compare his total level of auspex
to the level of the writer's relevant Discipline at the time the words were written. If, for
instance, the character is trying to read a Malkavian Scrawl, compare his auspex to the
malkavian's obfuscate. If the Auspex is higher, the words can be read; if the obfuscate is
equal or greater they cannot.
OOOOO O Discern the Aura
A more wide-reaching if less precise enhancement of Aura Sight, Discern the Aura allows the
Kindred to glance over a group of individuals and pick out all those who show a specific color,
emotion or state of being in their auras. The character could, for instance, glance around a
room, an auditorium or even at passers-by on the street and pick out everyone who is angry,
frightened or even Kindred.
System: The player rolls perception + empathy difficulty 8 and may chose to spend a blood point
or not, as she prefers. The character can then identify a number of people with the specific
color in their aura up to her number of successes (or up to ten times her number of successes
if she chose to spend a blood point). The power lasts until the number is reached, or until the
end of the scene, which ever occurs first.
Each use of the power can locate only one hue. If the character wishes to find all Kindred
(every pale aura) in the crowd, and then wishes to find everyone in the crowd who is currently
frightened, that would require two uses of the power. This power can sometimes penetrate
Obfuscate, per the standard rules.
OOOOO OO Anima Gathering (Auspex level 7)
The power of PSychic Projection allows limitless exploration. However, many of the experiences
that it grants cannot be adequately conveyed to individuals who cannot share them. Other
would-be observers on the astral plane are left blind an deaf. The Viziers believe Anima
Gathering originated as a technique for leading warrior-caste mystics on vision quests. It
allows a willing seer to bring a small group of companions into the astral realms with him.
SYSTEM: All individuals who want to benefit from Anima Gathering must be in physical contact
with the character who possesses the power or with someone who is in contact with him -- in
effect, they must form an unbroken chain of participants.
The player spends a blood point for each "follower" the character wishes to bring into the
astral realm, up to a maximum of his Wits. He then leaves hi body as per the system for Psychic
Projection (Vampire: The MAsquerade, p. 152). As long as they remain in physical contact with
the character, all followers are treated as if they know Psychic Projection, regardless of
their actual Auspex ratings (if any). This temporarty power functions as if each follower had
rolled a number of successes equal to those that the "Leadr" rolled.
On the astral place, followers remain within close proximity to their leader -- within 100
feet or so -- tethered to him by a thin silver leash. They nay not break this connection. This
imposes no penalties save for a faint awareness of the leader's location at all times.
Any follower who loses her physical connection to the character instantly returns to her body
and loses a number of temporary willpower points equal to 8 - the character's Wits. If this
reduces her to zero Willpower, she falls unconscious until the next sunset.
The power of Aura Perception (Auspex 2) allows a vampire to take a brief glimpse at the
soul of a subject. This power takes Aura Perception several steps forward, allowing a vampire
who has mastered Auspex 2 to probe the inner workings of a subject's mind and soul.
Knowledge acquired in this fashion can be used in many ways, and a vampire who has
developed this power is undoubtedly familiar with all of them.
System: The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty of the subject's permanent Willpower).
The degree of success determines the information gained.
No. Of Successe Effect
Botch The character gains a Derangement or Psychological/Mental/Supernatural Flaw of the target's for one night, at Storyteller discretion.
1 success As per five successes on an Aura Perception roll.
2 successes Subject's Nature, Demeanor and Humanity/Path can be determined.
3 successes Any outside influences on the subject's mind or soul, such as Dominate or a demonic pact, can be detected.
4 successes Subject's Willpower, Humanity/Path and Virtue scores can be determined.
5 successes The state of the subject's karma may be determined. This is a highly abstract piece of information best left to Storyteller discretion,
but should reveal the general balance between "good" and "bad" actions the subject has performed, both recently and over the course of his existence. If the plot
merits it, the character may receive visions of one or more incidents in the subject's past that radically altered his destiny. With this degree of success,
some fate-related Merits and Flaws (e.g. Destiny or Dark Fate) can be identified as well.
OOOOO OO Mirror Reflex
This power was developed by a Toreador elder who made a fearsome reputation through her
fencing prowess, acting as a hired champion in dozens of Ventrue duels. Mirror Reflex is
similar to Prediction in that it is in essence a low-level telepathic scan of an opponent,
but this power taps into physical (rather than social) reflexes, allowing the character to
anticipate an enemy's moves in personal combat.
System: The player spends a blood point and rolls Perception + the combat skill the
opponent is using (difficulty of the subject's Manipulation + combat skill in use).
Each success is an additional die that can be applied to the character's dice pools during
the next turn of combat for any actions taken against the scanned opponent. The use of
Mirror Reflex does take one combat action, and the power has a maximum range in yards equal
to the character's Willpower rating.
OOOOO OOO The Call (Auspex level 8 OR Dementation level 6)
Although many clan gatherings happen spontaneously, the Call arising from a general
subconscious need shared by a Malkavian population, it is possible to send the Call
deliberately. Both Auspex and Dementation offer the ability to send the Call, although it's a
much easier art to perform when expressed through Dementation.
SYSTEM: Tosend the Call, a Malkavian (and Only a Malkavian) rolls Perception + Empathy, diff. 6.
As always, other clan memebers will hear (and attend if they so choose) only if they make
their Malkavian Time rolls.
1 All within three city blocks
3 All within a three-mile radius
5 All within a ten-mile radius
7 The City's entire Malkavian population
10 All within the greater metropolitan area
13 All within 300 miles
15 All Malkavians on the continent
20 Every Malkavian in the world
The Call as broadcasted is not a verbal thing; it merely conveys an impression of a place and
time. There is no sense of purpose, nor even the name of the gathering point; still, neither is
really necessary. The Call is so instinctive that if an American Malkavian who didn't speak a
word of French were visiting Paris, and heard the Call, he'd be able to follow his impressions
and visions to the gathering place as readily as any native Lunatic.
OOOOO OOO Psychic Assault
Psychic Assault is nothing less than a direct mind-to-mind attack which uses the sheer
force of an elder's will to overpower his target. Victims of Psychic Assault show little
outward sign of the attack, save for nosebleeds and expressions of intense agony; all
injuries by means of this psychic pressure inflicted are internal. A medical examination of
a mortal victim of a Psychic Assault invariably shows the cause of death to be a heart
attack or aneurysm, while vampires killed with this power decay to dust instantly,
regardless of age.
System: The character must touch or make eye contact with his target. The player spends
three blood points (and a Willpower point, if assaulting a vampire or other supernatural
being) and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation in an contested roll against the victim's
permanent Willpower. The result depends on the number of net successes the attacker rolls.
No. Of Successes Effect
Botch The target becomes immune to the attacker's Psychic Assault for one night per "1" rolled.
Failure The target is unharmed and may determine that a psychic assault is taking place by succeeding on a Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 6).
1 success The target is shaken but unharmed. He loses a temporary Willpower point.
2 successes The target is badly frightened. He loses three temporary Willpower points and, if a vampire, must roll Courage (difficulty of the attacker's Auspex score) to avoid Rötschreck.
3 successes The target loses six temporary Willpower points and, if a vampire, must roll Courage as above. If this causes him to lose his last temporary Willpower point, he loses a permanent Willpower point and receives three health levels of bashing damage (soaked normally).
4 successes The target loses all temporary Willpower points and half of his permanent Will power points (round down) and receives three health levels of lethal damage (soaked normally).
5 successes The target must roll Willpower (difficulty 7). If he succeeds, apply the effect of four successes. If he fails, the Psychic Assault kills him instantly. Any result that causes the victim to lose his last temporary Willpower point also renders him unconscious for the rest of the night.
OOOOO OOOO False Slumber
Possibly the source of many Malkavians' conviction that their sire is alive and well on the
astral plane, this power allows a Methuselah's spirit to leave his body while in torpor.
While seemingly asleep, the vampire is able to project astrally, think and perceive events
System: No roll is needed. This power is considered to be active whenever the vampire's
body is in torpor, and astral travels are handled as per the rules for Psychic Projection
(Auspex 5). The vampire may not be able to awaken physically at will, however – waking from
torpor is handled per the normal rules for such an action (see p. 216, Vampire: The
Masquerade ).
A vampire with this power whose silver cord is severed in astral combat loses all Willpower
points, as per the rules for astral combat under Psychic Projection
(Vampire: The Masquerade, pp. 152), but is not killed. Instead, he loses the use of this
Auspex power and half of his permanent Willpower points. Both the Auspex 9 power and the
Willpower must be bought back with experience points. The vampire's soul slowly returns to
his body over the course of a year and a day, during which time he may not be awakened from
torpor by any means.