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The special legacy of the Malkavian clan, Dementation allows the vampire to channel madness, focus it, and pour it into the
minds of those around him. Though in former nights this power was practiced primarily by the Malkavians of the Sabbat, in
recent years it has spread throughout the clan. Some Kindred speculate that this "infection" might be yet another move in the
Jyhad; a few vampires, of particularly paranoid bent, even whisper that the Malkavians are to be harbingers of the Final
The practitioner of Dementation need not actually be mad himself - at least initially - although madness seems to grant a
certain insight into the key tenets of this Discipline. Few vampires ask the Malkavians to teach them this Discipline,
although the Lunatics are almost always eager to "enlighten" others. In fact, some say that one cannot learn the secrets of
Dementation without eventually going mad.
Eerily enough, Dementation doesn't seem to inflict insanity on its victims per se. Rather, it seems to catalyze madness,
breaking down doors into the hidden reaches of the mind and releasing whatever it finds there. The Malkavians claim that
this is because insanity is the next step in the evolution of the mind - a necessary progression if one is to behold the truths of
the universe. As such, they say, it is inherent to all minds, and evident only in the more highly evolved specimens of human
or vampiric thought. Other Kindred pray the Malkavians are wrong, but find it difficult to dismiss such thoughts out ofhand,
particularly because Dementation works as well on vampires as it does on mortals...

O Passion
The vampire may stir his victim's emotions, either heightening them to a fevered pitch or blunting them until the target is
completely desensitized. The Cainite may not choose which emotion is affected; she may only amplify or dull emotions
already present in the target. In this way, a vampire can turn mild irritation into frothing rage or dull true love into casual

The player rolls Charisma + Empathy (difficulty of the victim's Humanity score). The number of successes
determines the duration of the altered state of feeling. Effects of this power might include one- or two-point additions or
subtractions to difficulties of frenzy rolls, Virtue rolls, rolls to resist Presence powers, etc.
1 success One turn
2 successes One hour
3 successes One night
4 successes One week
5 successes One month
6+ successes Three months


OO  The Haunting
The vampire may stir the sensory centers of his victim's brain, flooding the victim's senses with visions, sounds, scents or
feelings that aren't really there. The images, regardless of the sense to which they appeal, are only fleeting "glimpses,"
barely perceptible to the victim. The vampire using Dementation cannot control what the victim perceives, but may choose
which sense is affected.
The "haunting" effects occur mainly when the victim is alone, and mostly at night. They may take the form of the subject's
repressed fears, guilty memories, or anything else that the Storyteller finds dramatically appropriate. The effects are never
pleasant or unobtrusive, however. The Storyteller should let her imagination run wild when describing these sensory
impressions; the victim may well feel as if she is going mad, or as if the world is.

The player spends a blood point and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty of his victim's Perception + Self-Control).
The number of successes determines the length of the sensory "visitations." The precise effects are up to the
Storyteller, though particularly eerie or harrowing apparitions can certainly reduce dice pools for a turn or two after the
1 success One night
2 successes Two nights
3 successes One week
4 successes One month
5 successes Three months
6+ successes One year


OOO Eyes of Chaos
This peculiar power allows the vampire to take advantage of the fractured wisdom hidden in insanity. She may scrutinize the
"patterns" of a person's soul, the convolutions of a vampire's inner nature, or even random events in nature itself. The
Kindred with this power can discern the most well-hidden psychoses, or gain insight into a person's true self. Malkavians
with this power often have (or claim to have) knowledge of the moves and countermoves of the great Jyhad.

This power allows a vampire to determine a person's true Nature, among other things. The vampire concentrates for
a turn, then her player rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty depends on the intricacy of the pattern. Discerning the
Nature of a stranger would be difficulty 9; a casual acquaintance would be an 8, an old friend a 6. The Malkavian could also
read the message locked in a coded missive (difficulty 7), or even see the doings of an invisible hand in such events as the
pattern of falling leaves (difficulty 6). Almost anything might contain some hidden insight, no matter how trivial or
meaningless. The patterns are present in most things, but are often so intricate they can keep a vampire spellbound for hours
while she tries to understand their "message."


OOOO Voice of Madness
By merely addressing his victims aloud, the Malkavian can drive targets into fits of blind rage or fear, forcing them to
abandon reason and higher thought. Victims are plagued by hallucinations of their subconscious demons, and try to flee or
destroy their hidden shames. Tragedy almost always follows in the wake of this power's use, although offending Malkavians
often claim that they were merely encouraging people to act "according to their natures." Unfortunately for the vampire
concerned, he runs a very real risk of falling prey to his own voice's power.

The player spends a blood point and makes a Manipulation + Empathy roll (difficulty 7). One target is affected per
success, although all potential victims must be listening to the vampire's voice.
Affected victims fly immediately into frenzy or a blind fear like Rotschreck. Kindred or other creatures capable of frenzy,
such as Lupines, may make a frenzy check or Rotschreck test (Storyteller's choice as to how they are affected) at +2
difficulty to resist the power. Mortals are automatically affected and don't remember their actions while berserk. The frenzy
or fear lasts for a scene, although vampires and Lupines may test as usual to snap out of it.
The vampire using Voice of Madness must also test for frenzy or Rotschreck upon invoking this power, although his
difficulty to resist is one lower than normal.


OOOOO Total Insanity
The vampire pulls the madness from the deepest recesses of her target's mind, focusing it into an overwhelming wave of
insanity. This power has driven countless victims, vampire and mortal alike, to unfortunate ends.

The Malkavian must gain her target's undivided attention for at least one full turn to enact this power. The player
spends a blood point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of her victim's Willpower). If successful, the victim is
afflicted with five derangements of the Storyteller's choice (see p. 222). The number of successes determines the duration.
1 success One turn
2 successes One night
3 successes One week
4 successes One month
5+ successes One year


***** * Lingering Malaise
While lesser Dementation power allows a Malkavian to inflict temporary (though often 
long-lasting) madness upon a victim, elders of the clan have developed the ability to infect 
the minds of their victims with permanent dementia. Lingering Malaise causes permanent 
psychological shifts within the victim, making him, as one Gangrel elder marked, "an honorary lunatic."

System: The character speaks to his vicitm for at least a minute, describing the derangement 
that Lingering Malaise will inflict. The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy 
(difficulty of the victim's willpower); the victim resists with a willpower roll (difficulty 8).
If the user of Lingering Malaise scores more successes, the victim gains a permanent 
derangement chosen by the individual who inflicts it. Lingering Malaise may only be used to 
inflict one derangement per night on any given victim, though multiple attempts may be made 
until the derangement takes hold.


***** * Shattered Mirror
Although Dementation's low level effects are primarily to initiate or promote insanity rather 
than to create it spontaneously, some of its more potent manifestations are not as subtle. The 
wielder of this fearsome power can transfer her own deranged mindset into the psyche of a 
hapless victim spreading her own brand of insantiy like a virus.

System: The vampire must establish eye contact with her intended victim to apply this power. 
The player then rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty the targets willpower) resisted by the 
targets Wits + Self-Control/Instincts (difficulty the Malkavians Willpower). If the aggressor 
wins, the target gains all of her derangements and mental flaws for a period of time determined 
by the successes scored.

1 success = one hour
2 successes = one night
3 successes = one week
4 successes = one month
5 successes = 6 months
6+ successes = one year per success over 5


OOOOO O Babble (Auspex level 6 OR Dementation level 6)
 One of the more classic powers among elder Malkavians, this is the ability to communicate at 
great distances by using the power of the Network. The Malkavian with this ability can link a 
number of people together, allowing them all to converse at will -- however, everyone involved 
must carry on their conversation out loud. What's more, each person hears their fellows as if 
the other people were standing next to them; thus, if Rosegarden were in the comfort of her own 
quiet haven while Pack was in a crowded subway, Pack could murmur quietly and be heard, while 
Rosegarden would  have to raise her voice for Pack to hear her over the crowd.
SYSTEM: The Malkavian may communicate with as many other people as he has points of Willpower; 
to link with unwilling targets, the player must roll Charisma + Empathy, difficulty of the 
target's willpower. He may add more people (up to his Empahty rating) over and above his 
willpower score only if those people have derangements and don't resist the Babble.


OOOOO O The Call (Auspex level 8 OR Dementation level 6)
 Although many clan gatherings happen spontaneously, the Call arising from a general 
subconscious need shared by a Malkavian population, it is possible to send the Call 
deliberately. Both Auspex and Dementation offer the ability to send the Call, although it's a 
much easier art to perform when expressed through Dementation.
SYSTEM: Tosend the Call, a Malkavian (and Only a Malkavian) rolls Perception + Empathy, diff. 6.
 As always, other clan memebers will hear (and attend if they so choose) only if they make 
their Malkavian Time rolls.

    1          All within three city blocks
    3          All within a three-mile radius
    5           All within a ten-mile radius
    7          The City's entire Malkavian population
    10         All within the greater metropolitan area
    13         All within 300 miles
    15         All Malkavians on the continent
    20         Every Malkavian in the world
 The Call as broadcasted is not a verbal thing; it merely conveys an impression of a place and 
time. There is no sense of purpose, nor even the name of the gathering point; still, neither is 
really necessary. The Call is so instinctive that if an American Malkavian who didn't speak a 
word of French were visiting Paris, and heard the Call, he'd be able to follow his impressions 
and visions to the gathering place as readily as any native Lunatic.


OOOOO OO Restructure
The elder with this fearsome power has the ability to twist his victims' psyche at their most 
basic levels, warping their very being. The subject or Restructure retains her memories in 
toto, but her outlook on life changes completely, as if she has undergone a sudden epiphany or 
religious conversion. This effect goes much deeper than the implantation of a derangement; it 
actually performs a complete rewriting of the victim's very personality.

System: As the description says, this power allows the Malkavian to change his target's Nature 
to one more suitable to his ends. To accomplish this, the character must make eye contact with 
his intended victim. The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty of the victim's 
wits + subterfuge) If he rolls a number of successes equal to or greater than the target's 
Self-Control/Instincts, the target's Nature changes to whatever the player desires. The effect 
is permanent and can be undone only by another application of Restructure 
(though subtle differences from the character's original Nature may still remain, as it is 
impossible for such a grave change to occur flawlessly). A botch on this roll changes the 
character's own Nature to that of his intended victim.


OOOOO OO Childmind (Dementation level 7)
 This dread ability allows the Malkavian to give another person the equivalent of a psychic 
lobotomy. By focusing the power of Dementation, the Lunatic can strip away much of a target's 
power of reasoning, reducing his victim to a childlike state.
SYSTEM: The Malkavian must make eye contact with his victim in order to use this ability. Once 
eye contact is established, the player rolls Intelligence + Empathy, difficulty of the victim's 
Self-Control or Instinct.
 The player can choose to reduce the victim's Mental Attributes by up to seven points, as long 
as the victim is left with at least one dot in each. The Storyteller is under no obligation to 
revel the victim's actual Attributes, however; the player must guess which Attributes to reduce 
and by how much. The victim also gainst the derangement of Regression for as long as the 
childlike state lasts.
 For example, Hoxha, played by Ben, uses Childmind on Lauren-Bess. Hoxha (and by proxy, Ben) 
knows that she has a reputation for being intelligent and cunning, so Ben announces that he 
intends to drop  her Intelligence by three, her Wits by three and her Perception by one. 
Lauren-Bess normally has Intelligence 5, Perception 3 and Wits 3; She's rather more intelligent 
and a little less cunning than Hoxha guessed. her Intelligence falls to 2, as does her 
Perception. Her Wits becomes a 1, as the p ower cannot reduce any Attribures to zero. 
Lauren-Bess still retains some of her acuity and is as intelligent as the everage person, but 
her decision-making faculties are sevrely impaired, and she will still regress to childlike 
behavior under the proper stimuli. At least she's still somewhat functional some of the time....
  The number of Successes determines the duration of the Childmind's effects.
  1 success    One turn
  2 successes  One Night
  3 successes  One week
  4 successes  One Month
  5 successes  One year
  6+ successes One year per success past 5

OOOOO OO Sleep of Reason (Dementation level 7)
 This bacabre power gained its name from a Goya print that has achieved remarkable popularity 
among the clan. The Malkavian with this ability can reach into his victim's mind, pull forth 
whatever hobgoblins he finds there, and set them buzzing to the atack.
SYSTEM: The player rolls Wits + Intimidation, diff. 6. The Malkavain must spend one blood point 
for each hobgoblin he creates, up to a maximum number determined by the successes on the roll. 
Thus, if Fitzgerald were to get five successes on the Wits + Intimidation roll, he could create 
up to five hobgoblins at one blood point each.
 The hobgoblins can appear as almost anything, but they're usually caricatures of whatever 
insecurites or bad memories the target might possess. Since they are born of the victim's 
frailties, the victim's mental resilience determines just how powerful the hobgoblins are.
  Each beastie's statistics are as follows:
  Strength: 10 - victime's willpower
  Dexterity: 13 - victim's willpower
  Stamina: 12 - victim's willpower
  Health Levels: 13 - victim's Self-Control + Courage
 The hobgoblins have no Mental or Social Attributes of their own, and as creations of the 
victim's own psyche, are immune to any mental powers the victim uses against them. A victim 
cannot use Obfuscate to hide from his own persecutors, nor can he Dominate them into leaving 
him alone. Other vampires can affect the victim's hobgoblines with these Disciplins, but the 
difficulty to do so is the same as if they were using those powers against the victim himself. 
In any event, the hobgoblins will ignore all other beings save their target unless compelled 
otherwise, and cannot damage anyone other than their vctime.
 A hobgoblin can attack with a bite, punch, claw rake or whatever attack is reasonable for its 
form.  All of these attacks inflict Strength + 1 leathel damage; however, this damage is purely 
psychic in nature, and will disappear at the end of the scene. The malicious little beasties 
can fly as quickly as their victim can run, and can find him wherever he runs. If not destroyed 
by the end of the scene, the hobgoblins melt back in the ether from which they sprang.

OOOOO OOO Deny (Dementation level 8)
 This highly distrubing power offers a very compelling argument that the Malkavians see more of 
reality than anyone else does. The Malkavian using Deny is able to focus away from a certain object so compleatly that the object ceases to exist in the Malkavian's perception. However, the power of Dementation is so strong that for all intents and purposes, the Malkavian is Right. The Malkavian may step through a locked door that he "doesn't see" as if it were an archway; a sword that he reuses to acknowledge will fail to cut him, passing right through his body. Those few elders of other clans who've seen this power in action cannot find a suitable explanation for how exactly it works. Perhaps the astral plane is somehow involved, or perhaps elder Lunatics simply function in more than three dimensions -- who can say? There's certainly no explanation forthcoming from the Malkavians...
 This power cannot be used to "deny" the existence of living creatures, undead or spirits; it 
works only on inanimate objects. Some fragments of old stories hint that the Eater and perhaps 
even Malkav might have the ability to use a simlar power against living creatures, but such a 
power is beyond the scope of most elders in existence today.
SYSTEM: The player spend a blood point and rolls Willpower, diff. 8> If successful, for the 
duration of the scene, the Malkavian cannot recognize or interact with the given object in any 
way. It's as if the object just didn't exist for the Lunatic. Of course, this does have one or 
two drawbacks; if a Malkavian has successfully "tuned out" an opponent's weapon, he won't be 
able to understand why his friends are acting as if their foe were armed. (they're probably 
hallucinating, come to think of it.)
 The aura of "noninterference" doesn't extend further than anything the Malkavian is holding; 
the Malkavian can swing a fire ax through a "denied" door to strike the opponent on the other 
side, but if he were to fire through the "open archeway," the bullets would hit the door as 
usual (possibly to the Lunatic's consternation). The Malkavain cannot help other vampires or 
living beings to tune out the ignored object, even if touching them; the power only benefits 
the Malkavian and his personal effects.


OOOOO OOO Personal Scourge
Similar to the Auspex power of Psychic Assault (see Guide to the Camarilla power), this 
fearsome ability allows the elder to turn the very strength of her victim's mind against him, 
inflicting physical harm with the power of his own will. Victims of this self-powered attack 
spontaneously erupt in lacerations and bruises, spraying blood in every direction and howling 
in agony. Those who have observed such an attack with Auspex note that the victims aura swirls 
with violent psychosis and erupt outward in writhing appendages - a sight that can make even 
the most hardened Tzimisce quail. Some callous vampires call the victims of this power Blairs, 
apparently some sort of pop-culture reference.

System: The vampire must touch or establish eye contact with her target. The player rolls 
Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty the targets Stamina + Self-Control/Instinct) and spends two 
willpower points. For a number of turns equal to successes rolled, the victim rolls his own 
permanent willpower as lethal damage against himself (soaked with his own Humanity or Path of 
Enlightenemtn [difficulty 6] - Fortitude does not add to this soak dice, nor does body armor). 
He may take no other actions during this time other than thrashing and gibbering this includes 
spending blood to heal.


OOOOO OOOO Lunatic Eruption
This fearsome ability is ononly known to have been applied a few times in recorded kindred 
history, most spectacularly during the final nights of the last battle of Carthage. It is 
effectively a psychic nuclear bomb, used to incite every intelligent being within several miles 
into an orgy of blood lust and rage. It is suspected that the Malkavians have used the threat 
of this power as a bargaining chip in several key negotiations with camarilla elders.

1 success = one city block or 500ft
2 successes = an entire neighborhood or 1 mile
3 successes = a large downtown area or 3 miles
4 successes = several neighborhoods or 10 miles
5 successes = an entire metropolitain area or 30 miles
6 successes =  an additional 10 miles for every success over 5

Within this area, all sentient creatures fall prey to their baser instincts. Mortals 
spontaneously riot, looting and burning between bouts of mass violence. Kindred enter 
hunger-induced frenzies, draining dry as many vessels as they can sink their fangs into. Other 
supernatural beings run amok according to their base natures: Lupin under the effect of this 
power enter their war forms and frenzy indiscriminately at anything that resembles an enemy, 
mages temporarily fall into states of magic-induced delusion, and the Fae bask in the sudden 
influx of energy and revel in their temporary power. An entire city can quite litterally be 
driven temporarily insane by this power. Lunatic Erruption effects persist until the next 
sunrise, and anyone entering its radius of effect (centered on the site at which it ws used, 
not on the character who applied it) falls under its spell. However, inertia may carry the 
violence spawned by this power much farther - and keep it going much longer - than the power 
itself can force.

Victims of Lunatic Eruption may resist with Self-Control/Instinct rolls 
(difficulty the character's willpower); each success provides one hour of lucidity, which most 
wise individuals use to leave the power's area of effect (leaving the "blast radius" does 
remove the power's influence). The source of Lunatic Eruption may be pin pointed if a character 
is using heightened senses or an equivalent at the time it is used; this is automatic and 
requires no roll. However, this grants no knowledge of what actually happened - the observer 
"feels" a massive psychic shockwave explode from the character using the power.


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