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The exclusive possession of the Gargoyle bloodline, Visceratika is an extension of the Gargoyle's natural affinity for stone, earth and things made thereof. Certain Visceratika powers also closely resemble some aspects of Protean and, to a lesser extent, Vicissitude. Tremere in a position to know insist that this is pure coincidence, but the few among the Gargoyles who retain scholarly aspirations maintain that the Gangrel and Tzimisce blood used to create the bloodline still maintains a certain hold over its members.
Clan Tremere recently released a report stating that, contrary to popular belief, the appearance and wings of the Gargoyles are results of the Gargoyle Embrace or creation process, not side effects of Visceratika as was previously believed. The implication is that other Kindred can learn Visceratika and retain human appearance. The Gargoyles, however, are understandably unwilling to share one of their primary survival tools, and few other Kindred are willing to risk it in any case.

O Skin of the Chameleon
This basic power has saved countless Gargoyles from committing breaches of the Masquerade - and has 
allowed just as many to ambush unsuspecting intruders. When Skin of the Chameleon is in effect, the Gargoyle's skin takes on 
the color and texture of the surrounding environment. This coloration changes reflexively as long as the Gargoyle maintains 
a walking pace or slower speed.
More rapid movement causes the Gargoyle's appearance to blur, negating the camouflaging effect. IF this power is used while 
the Gargoyle is in flight, his skin becomes a reasonable facsimile of the night sky (though it will not shift to mimic 
nearby skyscrapers or star patterns, and a black silhouette against a brightly lit skyline is likely to be noticed).

The player spends one blood point. For the rest of the scene, the Gargoyle's Stealth dice pool is increased by five dice. 
This power is subject to the limitations described above; any ground movement faster than a walk negates this power's 
effect, as does flight (at the ST's discretion).


OO Scry the Hearthstone
This power allows the user to maintain vigilance over part or all of an enclosed structure. The Gargoyle gains an innate 
sense of where all beings are located within the structure, even those who are hidden by Obfuscate or other supernatural 

The player spends a WP point to activate this power, which remains in effect as long as the Gargoyle is within or in contact 
with the target structure, or until the next sunset. Scry the Hearthstone may be used on anything up to the size of a large 
castle, including a cave complex, a theatre, a parking garage or a mansion.
The character gains an innate sense of the location and approximate size and physical condition of all living (or unliving) 
beings within the structure. To pinpoint a specific individual's location with this power, the player must succeed in a 
Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 6).
If the subject is attempting to hide, he may oppose this roll with a roll of Wits + Stealth (difficulty 6). Scry the 
Hearthstone may be used to detect the presence of characters under the concealment of Obfuscate or similar powers.
In this case, the Gargoyle only knows that there is someone present - she cannot actually see the individual in question. 
To determine the Gargoyle's ability to detect Obfuscated characters, compare the relative levels of the Gargoyle's 
Visceratika minus one and the intruder's Obfuscate as per the rules for Auspex in VtM.


OOO Bond Within the Mountain
Similar to the Protean power of Earth Meld, Bond Within the Mountain allows a Gargoyle to seek shelter within stone 
(or building materials that are stonelike, such as cement). The merge produced by this power is not as complete as that made 
by Earth Meld, however. A faint outline of the Gargoyle's shape can be seen by the sharp-eyed observer.

The vampire spends two blood points and the merge, which may only be performed upon bare rock or a similar substance, takes 
four turns to complete. This power functions in a fashion similar to the Protean 3 power of Earth Meld. However, the 
Gargoyle does not sink fully into the substance with which he merges, and his outline can be detected within the stone with 
a successful Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 9).
A Gargoyle attacked while Bonded with the Mountain has triple his normal soak dice pool against all forms of attack. 
However, if he sustains three lethal health levels of damage from a single attack, he is forced out of his bond and suffers 
disorientation similar to that experienced by an Earth Melded character whose slumber is interrupted.


OOOO Armor of Terra
This power, combined with the unnatural resilience granted by Fortitude, is the source of the Gargoyles' ability to 
withstand assaults that would tear lesser Kindred to shreds.
An individual who has reached this level of Visceratika finds her skin to have become immeasurably tougher than it once was, 
and gains a higher pain threshold. She also acquires a limited amount of immunity to fire (though she is no less terrified 
of it).

This power is automatic and requires no roll; it is always in effect. A vampire with Armor of Terra has one extra soak die 
for all aggravated and lethal attacks and two for all bashing attacks, reduces all wound penalties by one, and halves the 
damage dice pool of any fire-based source of injury.
However, the difficulty of all touch-based Perception rolls is increased by two due to the desensitization of the 
character's skin.


OOOOO Flow Within the Mountain
A gargoyle who has attained this level of Visceratika is no longer confined to the location in which he Bonded with the 
Mountain (above). He may now travel through stone and concrete as if they were no denser than a thick liquid.
Gargoyle guardians use this power to devastating effect when intercepting intruders, while more subtle individuals find it 
to be a highly effective method of gaining access to 'secure' areas. This power is of more limited use in this age of girder 
construction than it was when buildings were made of solid stone, but it still sees nightly use.

Once the character has used Bond with the Mountain, the player spends two more blood pts to activate Flow Within the 
Mountain for the duration of the scene. The Gargoyle can move within the stone and cement under the same rules used for a 
character under the effect of the Protean 6 power of Earth Control, with the exception of the medium through which the 
character can 'swim'.
The character can also use this power to walk through a stone wall and emerge on the other side without first using Bond 
with Mountain. In this case, the player spends one blood point and rolls Strength (difficulty 8, Potence adds successes 
The Gargoyle may flow through a maximum thickness in feet equal to the number of successes rolled. If the wall or barrier is 
thicker than this, the character is trapped within it until he is chiseled out or uses Flow Within the Mountain to escape.

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