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Vampires endowed with this Discipline possess preternatural strength. Potence enables vampires to leap tremendous distances, lift massive weights and strike opponents with terrifying force. Even the lowest ranks of this power gift the Kindred with physical might beyond mortal bounds. More powerful immortals have been known to leap so far they seem to be flying, toss cars aside like tin cans, and punch through concrete as if it were cardboard. While the mental Disciplines are awe-inspiring, Potence's brute effectiveness is formidable in its own right.
Clans Brujah, Giovanni, Lasombra and Nosferatu are the primary possessors of this Discipline. Still, members of other clans often make a point to search out someone who can enlighten them in the ways of Potence.
System: The player rolls all Strength-related tests normally, but then adds an automatic success for each point he has in Potence. Thus, the character succeeds at most Strength feats without needing to make a roll at all. In melee and brawling combat, the automatic successes are applied to the damage roll results.



OOOOO O The Gentle Rebuke
Facetiously named, this power allows the kindred to physically knock another character away 
from herself with the slightest of touches. Although this power does no damage in and of 
itself, its use is quite humbling, and certainly, to be hurled away from an elder in a social 
setting has its embarrassing repercussions. Some Kindred who use this power do so 
surreptitiously, touching their victims and sending them reeling across the room. Others use 
this power as a not-so-subtle display of their might, giving their victim a casual slap that 
has overwhelming results.
SYSTEM: The player spends a Blood Point and the chracter must physically touch her target 
(which may require a Dex + brawl roll in certain situations). The chracter on the receiving 
end of this power is immediately thrown a number of yards equal to the invoking characters 
potance rating. The results of this very by situation, and are left to the Storyteller -- a 
chracter hurled into a wall may well sustain damage, while a chracter tossed haphazardly away 
might have to succeeed on a dexterity roll (diff 6) to remain standing.

OOOOO O Relentless Pursuit
With this power, the Kindred becomes capable of truly impressive physical displays. He may leap 
from rooftop to rooftop over entire streets, jump to a fire escape a dozen feet over his head 
and other feats of athleticsicm. This is useful both for pursuit and evasion, but is quite a 
breach of the Masquerade, should anyone see this power in use.

SYSTEM: Characters without this power may leap a distance of two vertical feet or four 
horizontal feet per success on a strength + athletics roll (diff 3). With this power, the 
character can jump four feet vertically or six feet horizontally per dot of Potence he 
possesses, needing only to succeed on a Dex + ahtletics roll (diff 4) to land correctly. If 
this last roll fails, circumstances dictate the results --- the character may overshoot a 
building ledge or simply land less than gracefully.

OOOOO O Imprint
A vampire with extensive knowledge of Potence can squeeze very, very hard. As a matter of fact, she can 
squeeze (or press, or push) so hard that she can leave an imprint of her fingers or hand in any hard 
surface up to and including solid steel. A use of Imprint can simply serve as a threat, or it can be 
used, for example, to dig handholds into sheer surfaces for purposes of climbing.

System: Imprint requires a point of blood to activate. The power remains active for the duration of a 
scene. The depth of the imprint the vampire creates with Imprint is up to the Storyteller - decisions 
should take into account how much force the vampire can bring to bear, the toughness of the material 
and its thickness. If the object the vampire grasps is thin enough, at Storyteller option the vampire 
might simply be able to push through it (in the case of a wall) or tear it off (in the case of a spear 
or pipe).

OOOOO OO Earthshock
According to some pundits, Potence is merely the art of hitting something very, very hard. But what do 
you do when your target is too far away to hit directly? The answer is, if you're sufficiently talented 
with the Discipline, to employ Earthshock. On its simplest level, Earthshock is the ability to hit the 
ground at point A, and subsequently have the force of the blow emerge from the ground at point B, some 
distance away.

System: The use of Earthshock requires the expenditure of two blood points, as well as a normal 
Dexterity + Brawl roll. The vampire punches (or stamps on, depending on personal style) the ground, 
and, if the attack is a success, the force of the blow emerges from the ground as a geyser of rock, 
stone and whatnot directly underneath the target. The attack can be dodged at a +2 difficulty, as it's 
a great deal more difficult to time a move away from an underground pulse than it is to duck a punch. 
The range on Earthshock is 10 feet for every level of Potence the vampire has, up to the limits of 
visibility. A failure on the attack roll means that the strike goes errant and is liable to explode 
anywhere within range; a botch means that the vampire pulverizes the ground beneath him and may well 
dig himself into a hole in the process.

It is a truism that "the great ones always make it look easy." In the case of Flick, that saying stops 
being a truism and becomes literal truth. With this power, a master of Potence can make the slightest 
gesture - a wave, a snap of the fingers, the toss of a ball - and have it unleash the full, devastating 
impact of a dead-on strike. The attack can come without warning, limiting the target's ability to dodge 
or anticipate, and thus making Flick one of the most feared applications of Potence known.

System: Flick costs a point of blood, and mandates a Dexterity + Brawl roll (difficulty 6). It also 
requires that the vampire make some sort of gesture directing the blow. What the gesture is remains up 
to the player - anything from a snap of the fingers to a blown kiss has worked in the past. Flick's 
range is equal to the limit of the Kindred's perception, and the blow struck does damage equal to a 
normal punch (including all bonuses).

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