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Although most modern Kindred who have heard of the Salubri know of them as soul-stealing abominations who should be reported to the prince, some elders still remember Saulot's line as a double-edged blade, gentle healers on one hand and matchless holy warriors on the other. Some Kindred have reported dealing with a Salubri who possesses frightening martial prowess. Whether or not this is the result of an atavism of this Discipline or an entirely separate power is unknown.
The characteristic third eye of the Salubri appears around the time that any vampire, regardless of clan or bloodline, develops the second level of Obeah. The eye opens whenever any power of second level or higher is used. The Salubri give no concrete answer as to how or why this occurs. The most common theory is that the eye serves as a conduit for spiritual energies, both sensing and emitting them.

 LEVEL 1 *Panacea
By licking a target’s wound, and spending blood, the vampire may heal a level of damage for 
each blood point spent.
System: For each Blood Point expended during the licking, the character can heal one Health 
Level. Note that the character must be able to lick the wound to heal it.
 *Sense Vitality(VSC)
The Salubri can feel the flow of a subject's life force after touching him. Sense Vitality may 
be used to determine how much damage a person can withstand before death, which can be useful 
in sizing up a potential opponent. It can also aid in medical diagnosis or feeding, as it can 
reveal infections and diseases.
System:The Salubri must touch the target to see how close to death she is. This also requires a 
Blood to be spent. One blood identifies a subject as a mortal, vampire, ghoul or other creature, 
or none of the above. Two blood reveals how many health levels of damage the subject has 
suffered. Three blood tells how full the subject's blood pool is (if a vampire) or how many 
blood points she has left in her system (if a mortal or other blood-bearingform of life). Four 
blood reveals any diseases in the subject's bloodstream, such as haemophilia or HIV. A player 
may opt to learn the information yielded by a lesser degree of blood - for example, a player 
who accumulates three blood may learn whether or not a subject is a vampire as well as the 
contents of his blood pool.
Alternately, this power may be used as a sort of limited "after sight," revealing to the 
Salubri how the subject came to be in her current state. Each blood allows the player to ask 
the Referee/character one question about the subject's health or health levels. "Was he drugged?" 
or "Are his wounds aggravated?" are valid questions, but "Did the Sabbat do this?" or "What did 
the Lupine who killed him look like?" are not. The Salubri may use this power on herself if she 
has injuries but has somehow lost the memory of how the wounds were received.
 LEVEL 2 *Anesthetic Touch
Pain flees at your caress and a peaceful stillness falls on those under your care. Any voluntary 
subject touched (other than yourself) can be rendered immune to pain, albeit for a short time. 
You can also cause mortals to descend into a natural, healing sleep; suffering no nightmares or 
derangements. Once a Vampire learns Anesthetic Touch, he or she develops a third eye in the 
middle of his/her forehead. This eye opens anytime an Obeah power of Anesthetic Touch or higher 
is used. Cainite scholars speculate that the eye may, in some way, be connected with the 
mystical (or demonic) insight that grants this Discipline.Anesthetic Touch has NO effect on 
System: This paralyzes the target. Successful use of this power requires a Willpower roll 
(difficulty of the target's current Willpower) after the touch has been made. The numbness and 
paralysis last for a length of time dependent upon the number of successes. This power works on 
supernatural creatures, provided they have tangible bodies.
 *Anaesthetic To Touch (VSC)
This power may be used to block a voluntary subject's pain from wounds or disease, or to put a 
mortal to sleep. As with Sense Vitality, physical contact is required to anaesthetize someone. 
This power may not be used to block the Salubri's own pain. System:If the subject is willing to 
undergo this process, the player needs to spend a blood point to block the subject's pain. 
This allows the subject to ignore all wound penalties for one 5 mins per blood. A second 
application of this power may be made once the first one has expired, at the cost of another 
blood point. If the subject is unwilling for some reason, the player must make a contested 
Willpower check.
To put a mortal to sleep, the same system applies. The mortal sleeps for five to 10 hours 
-whatever his normal sleep cycle is. He sleeps peacefully and does not suffer nightmares or the 
effects of any Derangements while asleep. He may be awakened normally (or violently).
Kindred are unaffected by this power - their corpselike bodies are too tied to death.
 LEVEL 3 *Neutral Guard
By spending two willpower points, the vampire may create a protective barrier. No one who is 
further than ten feet from the vampire may come closer than ten feet away from her. Those who 
try must roll as above. If the vampire gets three successes, the intruder is paralyzed for five 
System: After the character spends two Willpower points, no one not already within 10 feet of 
him can come that close to him until he voluntarily drops the Neutral Guard. Anyone trying to 
come that close must engage the vampire in an extended and resisted Willpower vs. Willpower 
test, and must exceed the vampire's successes by three. If the vampire who evoked the Neutral 
Guard scores three more successes than the would-be intruder, the intruder is paralyzed for 
five turns.
If the vampire voluntarily drops the Guard, he must spend another two Willpower points to 
reestablish it.
 LEVEL 4 *Treat the Sick Mind
The vampire may cure a derangement of a target. If she first made a roll to sense the 
derangement, each success on that roll grants an extra die on the roll to cure the derangement. 
When the vampire uses this power, her third eye and the target both glow in gold light.
System: Sensing the Derangement requires a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty 7). Actually 
curing the Derangement requires a Charisma + Medicine roll (difficulty of the target's 
Willpower (+3)). Remember, the Derangement is a survival mechanism and the subconscious will 
not be willing to let it go. During the cure, the vampire gets one extra die to roll for every 
success made on the diagnosis.
During the treatment, the target's body is bathed in a soft golden glow from the third eye, and 
anyone in the area will more than likely notice both the glow and the eye. Also, if the target 
moves during this time, the difficulty of both the diagnosis and the treatment increases by one. 
If the target moves more than five feet away from the healer, the treatment ends.
 *Mens Sansa (VSC)
This power allows the Salubri to remove a subject's derangements, or to at least mitigate their 
effects for a time. Salubri Embraced in the modern age sometimes prefer to use psychological 
interview techniques, while older members of the bloodline prefer to whisper soothing words or 
perform exorcism rituals. Some Kindred scholars believe the Antediluvian Saulot eased the 
Ancient Malkav's madness with this power, but a few others believe that Saulot may have caused 
Malkav's madness himself....
System:The player spends two blood points. The use of Mens Sana takes at least 10 minutes of 
relatively uninterrupted conversation. Success cures the subject of one derangement of the 
Salubri player's choice. This power cannot cure a Malkavian of his core derangement, though it 
temporarily alleviates its effects for the rest of the night. This power may not be used by the 
Salubri to cure her own derangements.
 LEVEL 5 *Unburdening The Bestial Soul
Perhaps the most incredible power of Obeah, Unburdening the Bestial Soul allows you to lift the 
terrible stains of the Vampire curse from the soul of a target. You literally take the 
subject’s soul into communication with you own soothing the psychic scars and trauma that 
afflicts your victim. Though you cannot remove the Curse of Caine from a subject, you can heal 
the most terrible emotional trauma that weighs down most Vampires. You cannot use Unburdening 
the Bestial Soul on yourself.
System: A contested Willpower roll must be made to take a soul. The character must accumulate 
three successes; if interrupted, the process must start all over again. Once the soul has 
joined with the character's own, the character may begin to restore health to a soul that may 
have been overcome with the Beast. On a point-for-point basis, the character may spend 
Willpower to restore Humanity to the target. The maximum number of Humanity points that may be 
granted equals the character's Empathy rating. A character may unburden the ills of a give soul 
only once, even if the character's Empathy rating later increases or if the character did not 
restore Humanity equal to his current Empathy. Once flaws have been overlooked, they cannot 
later be cleared
 *Unburdening the Bestial Soul (VCS)
The mainstay of the healing abilities of the Salubri, this power allows a character to stare 
into another individual's eyes and draw the subject's soul out of his body and into the 
Salubri's third eye, storing it within the Salubri's own soul while working powerful healing 
magics on it
This power is the justification that the Tremere give for their pursuit of the Salubri as 
"soul-stealing fiends." Tremere accounts of the diabolical practices of the Salubri ensure that 
few subjects are willing to have their souls removed from their bodies.
The subject's body becomes a mindless husk while it lacks a soul, and may not be affected by 
any mind-altering Disciplines or other supernatural powers - there's no mind there to control. 
However, it does respond to simple verbal commands from the Salubri who has its soul. If not 
reminded to eat or perform other personal upkeep, the body will not do so and will eventually die.
System:This power may be used to draw out the soul of any character except those with Humanity 
or Path ratings of 1 or 0 or those who follow particularly inhuman Paths of Enlightenment; some 
souls are beyond redemption. The Salubri must make eye contact with the subject and the subject 
must be willing to be subjected to this power.
A soul drawn out in this manner becomes part of the Salubri's while the healing process takes 
place. She may return it to its proper body at any time. While the soul is within the Salubri, 
she may spend a Humanity point to restore a point to the subject's Humanity or Path rating. The 
Salubri may restore a maximum number of points equal to Willpower x 2, and may not raise the 
subject's Humanity or Path higher than the sum of his Willpower x 2.
While a soul is being held by the Salubri, its body is an empty husk, comatose or in torpor, 
with no motivating force within it. A soul whose body is killed immediately vanishes, its 
disposition unknown to any (although the Salubri strongly suspect that souls that vanish in 
this manner are completely and irreversibly destroyed).
A soul that is being detained against its will may attempt to break free from the Salubri. This 
is resolved by a contested Willpower check, only one attempt per night may be made.
 LEVEL 6 *Renewed Vigor
By touching a targets skin and spending a willpower point, the vampire may heal all of the 
targets wounds, including aggravated wounds.
 *Renewed Vigor (VSC)
The Salubri who has developed this power has heightened his healing abilities to such a degree 
that he can heal virtually any ailment as long as the subject still lives. All that is required 
is a touch and a brief moment of concentration.
System:The character touches the individual to be healed and spends a full turn concentrating. 
The player spends 5 blood points. The subject heals all lost health levels, including 
aggravated wounds. If physical contact is not maintained for 5 minutes, or if the Salubri is 
forced to take any action other than concentrating on healing, the blood is lost with no effect 
on the subject of the healing. The Salubri may use this power on himself.
*Pain for Pleasure
The vampire may cancel all of a target’s wound penalties, and this target will feel pleasure 
instead of pain. This might lead to the target’s self-endangerment, or even self-mutilation.
 LEVEL 7 *Repulsion
The vampire may alter her spirit to make others avoid her, without realizing what they are 
doing. This power draws no attention to the vampire.
 *Safe Passage (VSC)
The Salubri may use this power to pass through a crowd without fear of harm. This is not a 
power that makes the vampire "invisible to the mind" as Obfuscate does, but rather a sort of, 
"active neutrality" that makes all around the vampire inclined to treat her favourably and step 
out of her way. She seems inoffensive, pleasant and harmless, and people are respectful and 
helpful to her without stopping to consider why. This power also ensures that anyone who 
pursues the vampire or obviously wishes to do her harm is met with unfavourable reactions by 
those who have been affected by Safe Passage.
System:The Salubri may choose to "turn off' this power, but it is always in effect otherwise. 
If someone who wishes to harm the Salubri is in a crowd, the vampire and pursuer must make a 
contested Willpower check. If the Salubri wins, the pursuer loses interest in the chase 
("Why am I bothering with this when I could be at home, safe, watching MM"). If the pursuer 
wins, he is unaffected by the attempt.
If the Salubri is actively seeking shelter or assistance ("Excuse me, sir, can you tell me the 
best way to the airport from here?"). A Salubri won't be able to get automatic weapons or l
ow-grade heroin any easier with this power.
The effects of this power last until the next sunrise. Safe Passage affects only those who know 
the Salubri casually or not at all. Anyone who has known her long enough to form an opinion of 
her cannot be touched by this power.
 LEVEL 8 *Vitae Block
The vampire may make one point of a victim’s blood pool unusable for each success. The victim 
must spend a number of willpower points equal to the number of blood points that are blocked in 
this manner. This blood must be freed in its entirety before any of it can be used.
 *Purification (VSC)
This power can be used to cleanse a person, item or place of demonic or malign spiritual 
influence. It is of paramount importance that the Salubri be of strong conviction and moral 
character, as he pits the purity of his own soul against the corruption he is trying to purge. 
This power can be used against demonic possession or infernalism, those insidious temptations 
among debased or power-hungry Kindred, but the price of failure is the Salubri's own soul.
System:This power may be developed and used only by a character with a Humanity or Path rating 
of 8 or higher. The player spends a Humanity point if the subject is willing and the corrupting 
agent does not resist (a rare occurrence). If the subject is possessed by a conscious entity, 
the demon (or other foreign consciousness) fights the Salubri for dominance. This takes place 
via by a check on the Salubri's Humanity or Paths rating versus the opponent's Willpower x 2 
This must be done each night. And either side can employ any dirty
Once the initial removal has been successfully performed, the player spends 10 blood points. 
The Salubri thrusts the demon into a nearby item, animal or person, trapping the demon in the 
selected vessel. This must be accomplished within two minutes of the Purification and the 
target must be within physical reach. If this cannot be accomplished, the demon is likely to go 
free... or find another suitable vessel of its choice (such as the Salubri). If the vampire 
places the demon in a being who is likely to suffer from its presence they must make a 
willpower check. If the Storyteller believes that the character's morality would object. If 
this fails the entity is free to roam the world.
 LEVEL 9 *Spirit Marionette
The subject may force a victim to move exactly as she does, and use her disciplines, Talents, 
Skills, etc, as if the victim also had them. However, the vampire must roll Empathy, difficulty 
9, to move without the victim copying her.
 *Unbind the flesh Clad soul (VSC)
The Salubri have always had a unique understanding of the nature of the soul. Some few Salubri 
elders may bestow (or inflict) upon others the fruits of that understanding. A willing subject 
may be permanently released from (or locked out of) her body to become a free-roaming soul upon 
the astral plane, empowered to explore the world (or cursed to wander) for all eternity without 
the constraints (or benefices) of physical existence. The possibilities inherent to this power 
are extremely unnerving to the few Tremere who are aware of its existence.
System:The vampire and a willing subject must both enter a deep meditative trance for a minimum of 
an uninterrupted hour as the Salubri performs the ritual necessary to separate soul from flesh 
without damaging either. During this period, the player spends a number of blood points equal 
to twice the Willpower of the subject. At the end of the ritual, the subject's body slips into 
a coma and dies by the end of the night. Many Tremere and other cautious Kindred warn that the 
Salubri may misrepresent themselves and convince others to volunteer for a "release" from 
mortal concerns, when in truth they wish to trap the soul in another plane of existence.
The subject's soul is released from her body and enters the astral plane (see Auspex: Psychic Projection). 
This separation is permanent and irreversible. The subject is treated as an astrally projecting 
character in terms of rules mechanics. However, she no longer has a silver cord and no longer 
needs one, as she exists independently of her body. If she is reduced to zero Passion astral 
combat, she loses one point of Willpower and re-forms after a year and a day at the place where 
this power was used upon her with restored passion of twice the characters willpower A 
character reduced to zero Willpower is destroyed forever.
This power may only be used upon mortals (excluding mages) and vampires who are in Golconda, 
and the subject must have a full understanding of what this ritual entails - including its 
permanence and the impossibility of a reversal. The body of a vampire who is Unbound decays at 
sunrise. It is possible to drink the blood remaining in the vampire's body, but no benefits are 
gained from an attempt at diablerie. Any attempt to Embrace the body of an Unbound mortal 
automatically fails.
The Salubri may use this power on herself, provided she is in Golconda.

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